Monday 9 November 2015

Kaka shelter

This is my plan and a model of the shelter I created for a Kaka.
When I made my model there were some modifications; I left out the tree because I didn't have the materials needed to make it. I didn't have a wooden box so I it made it out of cardboard. I changed the shape of my shelter because I didn't have all the materials I needed.
Kaka are an endangered species.  It is my responsibility to save the kaka by caring for the New Zealand environment.

Friday 25 September 2015

Junior Production

This is a video of our class song at the Junior Production.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bee report

The Latin name for a bee is Apis. Bees have no back bone so it is an invertebrate.Its species is an insect.

Bees live in places called a hive they live in groups called colonies or sometimes a swarm. Bee keepers make specially made boxes to get the honey from the bees.

Bees have black and yellow stripes on them. Bees have something on their bottom called a stinger. The stinger has poison in it and that is what makes it hurt. Bees have stripes to warn predators that they are poisonous. A bees tongue is called a proboscis. It is used to suck nectar from the flowers. 


Bees only make a 1/12 of a teaspoon in their lifetime. Bees can only fly five miles away from the hive. Bees do a wiggle dance to communicate. Bees produce honey honey by going to flowers then bring back the nectar and then they put the nectar in a hexagonal cell.

Bees are endangered because we are using to much heat and diseases are going round too so we should be aware of that and find medicines for these. We should start using less heat, to prevent global warming and protect the environment for the bees.

By Libby :)